August 6th – £60 Touch Screen Tablet as Spotify Music Station

By: Graham

Aug 06 2010

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Focal Length:50mm
Shutter:1/0 sec
Camera:NIKON D300

I recently bought an old O2 Joggler on eBay for £60 and I thought it would be nice to get rid of the O2 software and get it to do something useful. I read numerous blogs and forum threads and eventually settled on using Ubuntu Netbook Remix which was tweaked by Stephen Ford. It has Firefox, Chrome, VLC (a mutli-media player) and you can even install Windows software by first installing an emulator called Wine. I decided to install Spotify which after a couple of attempts works reasonably well. The whole operating system and all the programmes run from the attached USB stick. It has a touch screen but I find it more convenient to use with my Mac keyboard which also acts as a hub for the USB stick and a wireless mouse! Performance is not great but I think I can fix that with a faster USB stick.

2 comments on “August 6th – £60 Touch Screen Tablet as Spotify Music Station”

  1. Spotify have launched a few really good options such as Chrome ext. However they seem to be having trouble with US integration. I just read this interesting article –

  2. […] August 6th – £60 Touch Screen Tablet as Spotify Music Station August 20101 comment 4 […]

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